Letter To Them

To my beloved Brother and Sister,

Hi. How are you guys doing? I bet you’re heavenly doing good in there. Me? I’m beautifully better out here. You know what, I’ve never seen you guys for 25 years. I’ve no idea what you guys look like right now. First time I look at your picture, you’re still a baby born. Cute and simply innocent. But I’ve only saw Nic’s picture. I’ve asked our parents about Maria’s picture, but they didn’t have a chance to take it. Swear to God, I want to see your face, Sis. Well, in anyway I might could describe you from our parents story. They told me that you are as beautiful as angel. Blooming like fresh flowers in a green field. Just an unfortunate event that you were being touched by the death inside the womb. But now, I kinda grateful that you haven’t breath the air of the earth which full of filth and artificiality.

And Nic. I’ve seen your picture like I said before. A little baby, closing his eyes in concordance, seems like you enjoy the harmony. Our parents told me that you live this life for only ten minutes. Your cry was so delicate and it was fainting away. Faded inside the babies room in the hospital. Mom told me that you take your last long breath heavily and release it peacefully. When you dissolved our parents just started to cry without mourning your disappearance. They know it rather be like that. They also said that your eyes are blinking once and seeing our father who was holding you in his arms. That’s the best experience since my birth in his life, he said, to see you staring into his eyes for two seconds away. Then you close your eyes… forever. “He is a handsome boy if he lives now,” our dad said once.

Nicholas and Maria. If I may, I would call you guys by Nic and Mary. Shorter and more intimate for me. And probably will waste some spaces if I write your real name in this letter. Hahaha.. Kidding. But, really. Your nick name was made when I was in junior high. By me of course, you shouldn’t have asked that though. J

Nic. Mary. Honestly, I miss you both. Never understand why I can miss two persons which I never met before, but I really feel that something is missing when I sleep alone in my room. When I want to tell some story about my life in the afternoon. When I want to share about the girl that I like. About the first time I smoke cigarettes. About the first time I smoke ganja (in this case, both of you could have punch me in the face). About any rebellions that I did in my life. I don’t exactly know how does it feels to be hugged by you two in my sleep. For your information, guys. I think I have dreamt about you. Suddenly in my dream, there’s a stranger come by and holding a board written “Nicholas” and “Maria”. Under that, it said “What’s up lil’ brother”. And I didn’t even recognize you or translate that vision. But I guess I remember your face. Nic has the face of mom and the eyes of dad. But Mary was as beautiful as mom. God, if only I can meet you again sometimes. I will hold you and kiss you. Either way, I could just start wishing that we can talk and having a long conversation about anything or everything. About the girls that I love or another. If only.

Of all that. I miss you. We’re bound in blood. Only faith that cannot make us living together under the same roof.

Your lil’ brother,


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